Playwright Automation: Top 25 Interview Q&A PART-1
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Playwright Automation: Top 25 Interview Q&A PART-1

Playwright is a powerful automation tool for web applications, known for supporting multiple languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C#, and Java. It enables efficient browser automation, making it a popular choice for QA and test engineers. Below are the top 50 questions and answers that can help you prepare for Playwright Automation interviews.  Playwright Automation Online Training,

1. What is Playwright?

Answer: Playwright is an open-source automation framework by Microsoft that allows developers and QA engineers to automate web browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit. It supports multiple languages, including JavaScript, Python, C#, and Java.   Playwright Training,

2. How is Playwright different from Selenium?

Answer: Playwright supports all modern rendering engines like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, and provides better support for handling modern web applications, faster execution, and easier debugging compared to Selenium.

3. What browsers does Playwright support?

Answer: Playwright supports Chromium (Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge), WebKit (Safari), and Firefox.   Playwright with TypeScript Training,

4. How do you install Playwright?

Answer: You can install Playwright using npm with the following command:


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npm install playwright

5. Can you run Playwright tests in headless mode?

Answer: Yes, Playwright tests can run in headless mode by default, which means the browser runs without a UI. You can set headless mode to false to see the browser in action:  Playwright Course Online


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const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });

6. How do you start a browser session in Playwright?

Answer: You can start a browser session using the launch method:


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const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();

7. What is a context in Playwright?

Answer: A browser context in Playwright is an isolated session within the browser. You can think of it as an incognito or private window with its own cache and cookies.

8. How do you create a new page in Playwright?

Answer: After creating a browser and context, you can create a new page using the newPage() method:


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const page = await context.newPage();

9. How do you navigate to a URL in Playwright?

Answer: Use the goto() method to navigate to a URL:


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await page.goto(‘’);

10. How do you interact with elements in Playwright?

Answer: You can interact with elements using methods like click, fill, type, etc.:


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await page.fill(‘#username’, ‘exampleUser’);

11. How do you take a screenshot in Playwright?

Answer: You can take a screenshot using the screenshot() method:


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await page.screenshot({ path: ‘screenshot.png’ });

12. What is the use of waitForSelector in Playwright?

Answer: The waitForSelector method is used to wait until a selector is available in the DOM. It is useful for handling dynamic content.


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await page.waitForSelector(‘#dynamic-element’);

13. How do you handle dropdowns in Playwright?

Answer: You can handle dropdowns using the selectOption method:


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await page.selectOption(‘#dropdown’, ‘optionValue’);

14. Can Playwright be integrated with CI/CD tools?

Answer: Yes, Playwright can be integrated with CI/CD pipelines like Jenkins, GitHub Actions, and Azure DevOps.

15. What are Playwright test runners?

Answer: Playwright provides its own test runner called Playwright Test that is optimized for parallel execution, handling retries, and reporting.

16. How do you perform assertions in Playwright?

Answer: Playwright integrates with testing libraries like Jest or Mocha, but with Playwright Test, you can directly use:


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expect(await page.title()).toBe(‘Expected Title’);

17. What is auto-waiting in Playwright?

Answer: Playwright automatically waits for elements to be actionable (e.g., visible, attached to the DOM) before performing actions like clicking or typing.

18. How do you handle frames in Playwright?

Answer: You can handle frames using the frame() method:


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const frame = page.frame({ name: ‘frame-name’ });


19. What are the different locators in Playwright?

Answer: Playwright supports CSS selectors, XPath, text selectors, and role selectors for locating elements.

20. How do you handle multiple windows in Playwright?

Answer: You can handle multiple windows by listening to the newPage event:


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const [newPage] = await Promise.all([



21. How do you handle file uploads in Playwright?

Answer: Use the setInputFiles method to handle file uploads:


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await page.setInputFiles(‘#file-upload’, ‘path/to/file.png’);

22. How do you handle authentication in Playwright?

Answer: Playwright provides context-level authentication management using cookies, headers, or storage state files.

23. What is the storageState in Playwright?

Answer: The storageState is a JSON file that stores cookies and local storage, useful for authentication across multiple tests.

24. How do you handle alerts, prompts, and confirmations in Playwright?

Answer: Use the page.on(‘dialog’, …) event to handle alerts, prompts, and confirmations:


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page.on(‘dialog’, async dialog => {

  await dialog.accept();


25. Can you run tests in parallel in Playwright?

Answer: Yes, Playwright supports running tests in parallel using its built-in test runner.

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