Is Puppeteer Better than Playwright?
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Is Puppeteer Better than Playwright?

When it comes to browser automation and testing, Puppeteer and Playwright are two popular frameworks that developers frequently compare. Both tools provide robust capabilities for controlling browsers programmatically, but each has its unique strengths, making the “better” choice dependent on the specific needs of the user.  Playwright Automation Online Training


Puppeteer, developed by the Google Chrome team, is a Node.js library that provides a high-level API for controlling Chrome and Chromium. It is widely used for web scraping, automated testing, and generating PDFs or screenshots of web pages.  Playwright Automation Training

Advantages of Puppeteer:

  • Stability: Puppeteer has been around longer than Playwright, making it more stable and mature for many use cases.
  • Ease of use: Puppeteer is simpler and easier to learn, especially for beginners.  Playwright Course Online
  • Chrome-centric: It’s tailored to Chrome/Chromium, making it highly efficient if your focus is only on these browsers.

However, Puppeteer’s limitation is its lack of multi-browser support. While it initially focused on Chrome, it has added experimental support for Firefox, but it’s not as robust as in Chrome.  Playwright Online Training


Playwright, developed by Microsoft, is a more recent competitor that offers similar capabilities but adds multi-browser support. It allows users to automate Chrome, Firefox, WebKit, and even Microsoft Edge with a single API.

Advantages of Playwright:

  • Cross-browser support: Playwright can automate multiple browsers, making it ideal for testing in various environments.  Playwright Training
  • Advanced features: It offers features like network interception, geolocation, and web assertions out of the box.
  • Better support for modern web apps: Playwright can handle complex scenarios involving multiple contexts, frames, and pages more gracefully than Puppeteer.  Playwright with TypeScript Training


If your goal is simple Chrome or Chromium automation, Puppeteer is a stable, straightforward choice. However, if you require cross-browser testing or need advanced functionalities, Playwright is often seen as the superior option due to its broader feature set and support for multiple browser engines. Ultimately, the “better” tool depends on the specific use case and project requirements.

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