Introduction and What is Amazon DynamoDB?

What is Amazon DynamoDB? Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to deliver high performance at any scale, offering seamless scalability, low latency, and a flexible data model. DynamoDB is ideal for applications that require consistent, single-digit millisecond response times for any scale of […]

4 mins read

What are The Differences Between Big Data and Hadoop? | 2024

Introduction Big Data and Hadoop are two integral concepts within the data management and processing realm. While they are often mentioned together, they represent different aspects of the data landscape. Understanding their differences is crucial for leveraging their respective strengths effectively. Big Data Hadoop Key Differences Conclusion Big Data and Hadoop are fundamentally interconnected yet […]

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What is Amazon QuickSight visualisation? | 2024

Amazon QuickSight is a powerful, cloud-based business intelligence (BI) service that Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides. It enables organizations to create and deliver interactive data visualisations, perform ad hoc analysis, and gain insights from their data. Below is an overview of Amazon QuickSight visualisation, detailing its features, capabilities, and benefits. AWS Data Engineer Training Overview […]

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What is Amazon DynamoDB used for? | 2024

Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is intended to offer smooth scaling together with quick and reliable performance. Here’s a comprehensive overview of what DynamoDB is used for, its key features, and benefits: AWS Data Engineer Training Primary Uses of Amazon DynamoDB 1. Web and […]

4 mins read

What is AWS Cloud Economics? | Key Components [2024]

Introduction to AWS Cloud Economics AWS Cloud Economics refers to businesses’ strategic and analytical approach to understand, optimize, and justify the financial implications of migrating to and operating in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. It involves assessing the costs, benefits, and value proposition of AWS cloud services compared to traditional IT infrastructure. By leveraging […]

4 mins read

Which is better for a career Azure administrator or AWS? [2024]

Choosing between a career as an Azure administrator or an AWS administrator depends on various factors, including your interests, career goals, market demand, and the specific requirements of the roles. Let’s delve deeper into both options to help you make an informed decision. Microsoft Azure Administrator Training Azure Administrator : Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing platform, […]

3 mins read

How to Create An AWS Stata Catalogue

AWS Data Catalogue, powered by AWS Glue, is a centralized metadata repository that enables organizations to efficiently manage, discover, and understand their data assets on the cloud. It automatically catalogues data stored in various sources such as Amazon S3, relational databases, and data warehouses, extracting metadata about tables, schemas, and partitions. With the AWS Data […]

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